Teamwork skills and effective teamwork methods

Teamwork is an essential skill in the learning and working environment. However, many young people are not aware of the importance of teamwork skills and are equipped with effective teamwork methods. So how to supplement this skill?

What are teamwork skills?

Teamwork skills are interaction skills between members of a group, helping to accomplish goals, promoting work efficiency and developing the potential of all members, also known as teamwork skills.

In everyday life, you will encounter many situations that require teamwork skills such as doing homework in class; Play group games when going to office teambuilding; discuss and brainstorm ideas at agencies… All of the above situations require collective effort and contribution to achieve the set goals.

Benefits of teamwork

When teamwork, you will realize there are many benefits of teamwork:

Invent many new ideas

When working together, each person contributes an idea, eventually synthesizing a list of new, unique, and strange ideas.

Improve communication skills

When working in teamwork, you will gradually improve your ability to listen, present opinions, criticize and defend viewpoints…

Make objective, correct decisions

If you work alone, your decisions will sometimes be one-sided. But when teamwork, decisions will be made based on the multi-dimensional perspectives of many people, so it will be more objective.

Be more disciplined, more aware

When there are many people participating in a project, it means the project must be carried out in an organized manner. Your team will have to establish discipline to ensure project deadlines and efficiency.

Difficulty working in groups

Respect relationships

The attitude of harmony and respect, fear of touching each other leads to not daring to give suggestions, questions, or debate to achieve the best results.

Shifting responsibility

Discussions are inconclusive and division of work is not clear, so many people think that it is someone else’s job, not theirs. When encountering trouble, many people tend to blame other members, not daring to take responsibility themselves.

Personal ego is too high

The next difficulty when working in groups is that many members think they are better, so they only discuss with those they think are as good as them, or focus on expressing their opinions without others participating.

Too passive

On the contrary, there are many members who are self-conscious about their opinions so they do not dare to contribute to the common idea. Everyone agrees with whatever they say.

Effective teamwork methods

For teamwork to be successful, you need to coordinate and promote the following effective teamwork skills:

On time

When you show up on time, members won’t have to wait for each other or waste time repeating what was discussed previously.

Assign reasonable responsibilities

This depends on the role of the team leader. When assigning work properly, each member will be clearly aware of their responsibilities and what they need to do.

Learn to listen

Listening is part of effective teamwork skills. Never think that all your opinions are right and that you can solve everything yourself. Everyone has certain strengths and limitations. Therefore, listening is how we respect our teammates, see things from a different perspective and supplement what is missing.

Respect other people’s opinions

No matter how good a plan is, it is difficult to avoid errors. If you respect other people’s opinions, summarize and collect good points from them, the whole group’s work will be highly effective.

Know how to motivate

Don’t skimp on praise for team members’ efforts and efforts. Any praise will make members feel like their efforts are recognized, which will motivate them to contribute more.

The current status of students’ teamwork skills

Freshman year is the transition period from high school students to university students. This is a period of changing learning methods, so many students have not yet adapted to the new learning method. In particular, children are not aware of the importance of teamwork skills and there is a huge shortage of this skill.

When working in teamwork, many people are passive, dependent, and push each other’s work. Groups do not set principles when working in groups, lack a sense of responsibility, lack of cooperation…

The reasons leading to ineffective group work among students are:

  • No cooperation, no sense of responsibility when working in groups
  • Members are distracted (talking, eating, using phones…), losing focus when working in groups
  • Disagreement, disagreement with general opinion
  • No clear assignment within the group
  • Do not set rules when working in groups
  • Late when working in groups
  • Push work, discrimination, jealousy
  • Do not know how to find information and documents to complete assigned tasks
  • The group leader works in a style of imposing opinions
  • Facts within the group
  • Passive, lacking self-awareness when working in groups
  • Ego is too big (conservative, doesn’t listen to each other)

In order for students to work effectively in groups, they need to apply many other life skills such as self-awareness, communication, determining tasks, planning, active listening, showing empathy, and making decisions. making decisions, resolving conflicts, controlling emotions, presenting, time management, critical thinking…

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